I'm experiencing very strange behavior in Aspose.Pdf.Kit. I've been wondering why the exact same code produces different output pdf's in two projects (one for testing purposes and one for productive work). I then realized that the only difference is that in one project I'm using a license file and in the other I don't. That really seems to cause the problems.
I attachted a sample project, the two output-pdfs and a MS Word docx explaining the problems with screenshots. I did not include our license file.
If you are wondering why I add the images as Stamps rather than adding them with PdfFileMend.AddImage(..): I would really love to use PdfFileMend.AddImage, but that doesn't work at all (see this forum thread).
When using the license file all characters are somehow cut off (you see it more clearly when you zoom in) and a line that should be drawn using PdfContentEditor.AddLine(...) doesn't show up. Both problems do NOT occur when you don't use the license file.
Please help me quickly! At the moment with all these problems Aspose.Pdf.Kit is quite useless for me.
Best regards,