Aspose PDF: margins in pdf document


I'm working with a demo license of Aspose.PDF ( and an official license of Aspose.Words (

I'm trying to convert a word document to a PDF document. In the word template I first add a photo (and sometimes a date).

When I convert the word document to PDF, the image in the footer of the word document is lowered a lot in the PDF document. Is this because I use the demo version or can I do something about it.

I'll attach the word document (with photo) and the output pdf document.

Kind regards


Thanks for considering aspose product.
I have tested your case and I am able to reproduce the problem. In my investigation, it is a defect in our product. I have logged it as PDFNET-8790 in our defect tracking system. We will try our best to fix it in about one week. The update will be attached here once it is ready. Thanks.

Best regards.


Thank you for your answer. Next week we should also have our official license of Aspose.PDF, so when I hear from you I can test it correctly.

Kind regards


<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

As Hans have specified earlier that, the ETA for the resolution of this problem is about one week (but it’s not a promise), and as soon as we have made progress, we would be pleased to update you with the status of correction. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated in this regard.


Sorry for delay. Now, we are going to transfer our current version to a brand new release. And bug fixes are also implemented in the new build. In the new release, the performance is significantly improved. We are doing fully tests to make it stable and plan to publish in about one month.
The issue PDFNET-8790 has been resolved in the new build. The fix will be included in it. If it is not urgent, we recommend you to wait for this new release. Otherwise, I will implement the fix in our current build and send you an update. Please advice. Thanks.

Best regards.