Aspose.pdf numbers flips side

i have the last aspose.pdf
when i convert the next pdf the numbers flips sides

example of code

 Dim fileCollection As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files
     For i As Integer = 0 To fileCollection.Count - 1
       Dim f As HttpPostedFile = fileCollection(i)
       If f.ContentLength > 0 Then
           Dim fileName As String = f.FileName
           Dim fileArr = split(fileName,".")
           Dim fileType  = fileArr(ubound(fileArr))

             if lcase(fileType)="pdf" then
                  Dim docHtml As New Aspose.pdf.Document(f.InputStream)
                  Dim textAbsorber As New TextAbsorber()
                  Dim extractedText As String = textAbsorber.Text
                  Dim info As FileFormatInfo = FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(f.InputStream)
                  Dim lf As Aspose.words.LoadFormat = info.LoadFormat
                  ' Dim options = New Aspose.words.LoadOptions(lf, "", "")
                  Dim docWord As New Aspose.words.Document(f.InputStream)
                  Dim docStream As New MemoryStream()
                  Dim fileExtension As String = FileFormatUtil.LoadFormatToExtension(lf)
                  Dim sf As Aspose.words.SaveFormat = FileFormatUtil.ExtensionToSaveFormat(fileExtension)
                  sf = FileFormatUtil.LoadFormatToSaveFormat(lf)
                  Dim opt
                  opt = New Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions()
                  if sf.ToString() = "Doc" then 
                    opt = New Saving.DocSaveOptions(sf)
                  elseif sf.ToString() = "Docx" then
                    opt = New Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions(sf)
                  elseif sf.ToString() = "Rtf" then
                    opt = New Saving.RtfSaveOptions()
                  end if
                  docWord.Save(docStream, opt)
                  Dim builder As New DocumentBuilder(docWord)
             end if
           errText =  Err.Description
         End Try
           End If
     Next i

144144קורות חיים - 2020.pdf (202.2 KB)
144144קורות חיים - 2020.pdf (202.2 KB)


Can you please the screenshot of the output results at your end so that we can better understand how the numbers are being flipped? We will further proceed to assist you accordingly.

here is the screen shotScreenshot (8).png (11.2 KB)


We were able to replicate the issue in our environment using 21.5v of the API. Therefore, we have logged it as PDFNET-50005 in our issue tracking system. We will further look into its details and let you know as soon as it is rectified. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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