Aspose PDF Page Break Issue

I am trying to add page break in to the Aspose PDF, where the file is already created. Here is my code for that:
PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor();
MemoryStream streamPageBreak = new MemoryStream();
fileEditor.AddPageBreak(memory, streamPageBreak, new PdfFileEditor.PageBreak[]
new PdfFileEditor.PageBreak(textFragment.Page.Number, textFragment.Rectangle.URY - 1)

When I do this, I am getting the result, but in result file I am getting words mirrored like as below:
image.png (111.4 KB)


Would you please share your sample source PDF along with an expected output for our reference? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Thanks for your reply. PFAafter page break.pdf (170.4 KB)
Original.pdf (168.0 KB)


We are checking it and will get back to you shortly.


We could not replicate the issue in our environment while testing the scenario using 23.8 version and the below code snippet:

Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Original.pdf");
var finder = new TextFragmentAbsorber("dummy text");
TextFragment text = finder.TextFragments[1];
Facades.PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new Facades.PdfFileEditor();

fileEditor.AddPageBreak(dataDir + "Original.pdf", dataDir + "PageBreakWithDestPath_out.pdf", new Facades.PdfFileEditor.PageBreak[]
                    new Facades.PdfFileEditor.PageBreak(1, text.Position.YIndent)

PageBreakWithDestPath_out.pdf (167.2 KB)

Can you please try using the latest version of the API and let us know if issue still persists.

Yup! Thanks for checking that. It worked with latest version.

Quick question, can you try with 23.4? We are using 23.4 version becaseu our base project is on .net6 and no plan to upgrade the project yet. So any other can you suggest to get desired result?


We tested with 23.4 and produced faulty PDF document. It looks like there was some issue in 23.4 version which was fixed in higher versions. Nevertheless, please note that we provide support on the basis of the latest version of the API and it is always recommended to use latest version because it has maximum fixes and improvements. Please upgrade to the latest version and let us know in case you face any issues.

thanks for all your analysis and help on this!