Does Aspose.PDF for .Net support Pantone colors?
If so, how do I set those color values?
Does Aspose.PDF for .Net support Pantone colors?
If so, how do I set those color values?
Would you kindly share some sample link or information on how do you want to use these colors? What are the specs for these colors? We need this information to analyze the feasibility of their usage. It would be helpful if you could please share some details.
Pantone can also be called these names
Basically it is defined by a name (EX: PANTONE 7638 C). These colors are only used for physical printing. In this case, the printer uses a cartridge containing 1 color (PANTONE 7638 C in this case). If the printer does not have this color or it’s a digital printer, there is generally a CYMK substitute.
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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-57074
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