In case I reported that when Aspose.Words saves xps content from a docx, the produced xps is inefficient, and that each glyph of each string appears in its own xps tag.
I'd like to report similar behaviour from Aspose.Pdf. In the attached there's a Word document named Single Page.docx which is the source document for these tests.
From inside WinWord I exported that docx file to create two files: Single Page Exported from WinWord.pdf and (for reference) Single Page Exported from WinWord.xps
Then I opened the pdf file inside Aspose.Pdf and Saved to produce the attached file FromAsposePdf.xps
If you compare the content of the two xps files, the one produced by aspose looks like this, where the string "Document" is represented a character at a time:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> . . .
In the xps from WinWord, an entire string is placed at once, which is much more efficient:
<Glyphs Name="a0" BidiLevel="0" Fill="#FF000000"
FontUri="/Resources/0B2C1876-228A-2D5D-D07B-A95EB73A2F0B.odttf" FontRenderingEmSize="11.04" StyleSimulations="None" OriginX="270.29"
OriginY="45.72" UnicodeString="Document 1"
. . .