Aspose.PDF question - AllowConcatenateExceptions

Question, we’re upgrading from 19 to current version 23.

Is there a replacement for this? We use AllowConcatenateExceptions = true in our old 19.



We are gathering related information and will get back to you soon.

Hi, any update on this?


We are afraid that we could not complete investigation against this topic. Nevertheless, the ticket PDFNET-54801 has been logged in our issue tracking system and assigned to this forum thread. We will soon inform you once it is resolved. Please spare us some time.

This was still in V22. Is there a changelog or comment in code somewhere saying why it was removed, or what it was replaced with etc?


We are already looking into this matter and we will surely provide an explanation of why it has been removed and is there any replacement for it or not.


Previously in this class (PdfFileEditor), all exceptions were hidden from a user. Many users did not understand what happened if an exception occurred inside, but was not thrown.

To disable this interception, many users have used “AllowConcatenateExceptions = true”. This is not very convenient and intuitive. We simplified this mechanism and made a more modern API.

Right now this property (AllowConcatenateExceptions) does nothing. But all methods (Append, Concatenate, Insert, Delete, …) in the class works like if AllowConcatenateExceptions was true.
In this case, you should just remove this line “AllowConcatenateExceptions = true”.

If you want to use old mechanism (all exceptions hidden from a user “AllowConcatenateExceptions = false”) you can use methods with “Try”: TryConcatenate, TryAppend, TryInsert, TryDelete