Hello Antonio,
Thanks for contacting support.
Do you mean you need to render the .RDL files into PDF format without using Microsoft Viewer ?
Please share your comments as it will help us in replying in more appropriate manner. Besides this, please note that if you have Report Server configured, you can simply install Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services on the server and from client end, you can upload your .RDL file to server and it will convert the files into PDF format. The resultant PDF will be rendered on client end.
HI I am using Report Viewer in local mode, so it is rendering RDLC to pdf via stream, the report is composed by 5 parts (5 RDLC files) that are rendered to PDF using installed Microsoft Report Viewer. Once each RDLC is rendered into the stream I use ASPOSE PDF to combine the document into one single PDF. The whole process is working fine but I have been asked to not install Report Viewer in the client machine.
Hello Antonio,
Thanks for your patience and sorry for the delay in response.
We are working over this query and will get back to you soon.
Hi, just trying to follow up, any news about my query?
Regards, Tony
Hello Antonio,
Sorry for the delay in response.
I am not entirely certain that either you are using Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services to convert .RDLC file to PDF format when using MS Report Viewer in local mode, but now as you have been asked to stop using Report Viewer, so you may consider using SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio project to render the source .RDLC files into PDF format or you may upload all the reports to Report Server and try using Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services to render these files into PDF format. Once the PDF documents are created, you may try using Aspose.Pdf for .NET to combine these files into a single resultant PDF document.
In case I have not properly understood your requirement or you have any further requirement, please feel free to contact. We are sorry for the delay and inconvenience.