Aspose.Pdf TextFragments

I use the ParagraphAbsorber of Aspose.Pdf to extract TextFragments, then replace the text content, font, and font size in them. However, some TextFragments exhibit chaotic layout and squeezing after the text replacement. How can I address such issues? The provided file “3.pdf” is the original, and “Tgt.pdf” is the file after replacing the text.
3.pdf (133.5 KB)

Tgt.pdf (236.8 KB)


Would you please also share the code snippet that you are using? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

private void Test01(List<TextFragment> TextFragments, string text, string fontName, float fontSize)
    var font = FontRepository.FindFont(fontName, true);
    foreach (var item in TextFragments)
        item.TextState.Font = font;
        item.TextState.FontSize = fontSize;
        item.Text = text;

@asad.ali It’s like this


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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-56421

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