recently i Updated Aspose.PDF package from 22.1.0 to 23.11.0 but after doing so my other PDFs are getting converted successfull, but for few PDF's its thowing Error as Shown in attachment.
Please let me know
If this is new Property in Document.Info, then why cant i see that Property in DocumentInfo class ( see screenshot provided)
If its happening for one PDF, it should happen for all other PDF too , but thats not the case.
Please not as of now we have not changes any code related to set Document.Info, its samase as we had for 22.1.0 before . See screeenshot for same.
NOTE: Please dont ask to share the PDF as its really not possibble due to security concerns. Technical team should be able to tell me why there is Gap in DocumentInfo.cs file properties and the Error Propereties which you can see. image.png (29.0 KB)
We have checked the information shared by you here as well as in other forum threads. It looks like you are receiving this error in the XML log file that is being generated during conversion of PDF to PDF/A.
Please note that the error in XML log does not indicate that faulty conversion. Since you are using ConvertErrorAction.Delete option during conversion, the XML log contains the errors that API faced during the conversion and deleted them in order to get the successful converted file.
You do not have to worry about the conversion log or any error inside it as they are supposed to be pre-conversion error and now they do not exist in the output PDF.
However, if output PDF file is not a valid PDF/A and does not pass the compliance test, there is an issue and it needs to be addresses.
Why we need sample file
Please note that PDF files are quite complex in nature. Even two identical PDF documents can be different in their structure and elements sequence. Also, many times, the issues are related to only specific type of PDF documents and they are resolved only for those type of PDF files.
We request for a sample PDF document always and it is crucial for us to test the scenario in our environment with the problematic PDF file in order to know what specific setting in its structure is causing the issue.
The error description and stack traces only do not always help in identifying the issue. Keeping the complex structure of PDF files and other factors, we cannot just guide our customers on the basis of some general error description as the reasons behind such error may differ in case of different PDF files.
We really hope that above shared information will be helpful in clearing our position here and will justify our needs of having sample file to carry the proper investigation against the issue.
"Since you are using ConvertErrorAction.Delete option during conversion, the XML log contains the errors that API faced during the conversion and deleted them in order to get the successful converted file.
You do not have to worry about the conversion log or any error inside it as they are supposed to be pre-conversion error and now they do not exist in the output PDF."
Is not much clear to me , Do u mean that I should change "ConvertErrorAction.Delete " to other option and allow system to convert to PDF even if there are errors ?? I cannot do that since we need to stop Conversion in case we face any Font not found or any other type of Error.
So this solution will not help . Please let me Know Exactly from which PDF metadata property, system is trying to match ?? If its PD Fspecific, sharing you screenshot of File->PRoperties-> Advance Metadata screenshot in case if it helps, else please tell me what parameter screenshot i can share so as to give clear idea about the Properties/ Metadata.
Also not , this issue related to Metadata error is not occuring till 23.5.0 (till 23.5.0. i keep on getting “Cannot process Closed strem” the post which you linked this post to), Post that , when i try to Update Pacakge to 23.11.0 then only i get the Issue. Its definetly error on the Aspose.PDF side .
As mentioned in the error description, the creation and modification dates are not correct. It indicates that the document has not been converted successfully. Have you checked the output PDF? Was it PDF/A compliant? Please try to convert the document without optimizing it before and let us know about the results you get.
I removed Optimize code and tried to reproduce scenario and I can still see Metadata Error. I am sseriously stuck as i cannot share the PDF which i am using for reproducing this scenario coz It contains Constomer Bank details data. But i can see Many Metadata Issues are raised in this free forumn, but i am not able to see what solution you have providede them. its a common error which many of users have reported you. Else you provide me One PDF which created this isssue, i will try to use this at my end and confirm if this Errro is occuring or not
We do understand your concerns. We have also shared earlier, that it is highly possible that the issue is related with specific type of PDF document. You are right about similar issues getting reported here in the past but, many of them have been resolved as well because we had sample document for the investigation.
PDF format is quite vast in terms of its structure and complexities. Every PDF document can be different and one of its own kind. Therefore, we always request and encourage to share the sample file in case of such issues that you are facing.
We are afraid that we cannot share any PDF document that had similar problem because it was other customers’ property. Besides, they have already been removed from our system after closing the respective tickets.
We assure you that we do not disclose customer files with anyone. We only use them for investigation purposes and remove from our system after closing the task. We would also like to point out that we also provide NDA as a part of purchase process. You can please share your document with us in a separate private message so that we can try to reproduce the error and address the issue accordingly. image.png (24.5 KB)
@asad.ali When i was trying to Gradually Increasse from Aspose.PDF version from 22.1.0 to 23.12.0 , I Found that I was not Getting MetaData Errror till Aspsoe.PDF version 23.6.0 and when It is increased to 23.7.0 , MetaData Issue arises . I Also noted that this Fix which was added in 23.7.0 is something related to Stream and File size Optimization, One of my File was Getting converted to 13MB till 23.6.0 and in 23.7.0 its reduced to 750KB size only for PDFA 3B format. But i cant use this Version as i said i am getting MetaData Error from 23.7.0 version onwards for some another files. Can you please ask your technical team to rfeview the changes and tell whats the Exact Issue which might have caused this Issue.
We will definitely try to check our backlogs to see what actually changed in the API. However, we are afraid that we still would not be able to share technical details of the changes that were made in the API.
Can you please share the ticket ID that you noticed for the above case?
“Can you please share the ticket ID that you noticed for the above case?”
I Didnt get it which Ticket ID you are talking about, But This is my Own Finding where i am trying to Gradually Increase Aspsoe.PDF version by 0.1 version.
And I Noticed that for File100x.PDF (provided in attachment) when we used to convert to PDFA3B format from 22.1.0 to 23.6.0, the size was getting converted from 390KB to 13 MB which was hugeeeeeeeeeeeeee. But the moment we move to 23.7.0. the file size get reduced its converted from 390 KB to 751 KB only which is as per exception , but from this version onwards, we started getting Main error mentioned in Title for Other PDF files.
We have a release this Fed and this issue is bottle neck for us now.
We have opened a case under the ticket ID PDFNET-56217 in our issue tracking system to further analyze your scenario. Please note that we have presented your entire case and concerns under the logged ticket we now let the technical team to review it. Again, we would like to mention that such issues happen to be document specific which you are not able to provide due to privacy concerns.
Nevertheless, we will try to come up with maximum suggestions that you can try at your end in order to sort our the issue. In case we find any consolidated information in the API backlogs, we will also share with you to help. Please spare us some time.
Everything discussed in this forum thread has been included in the details of the logged ticket. We have recorded everything and we will let the technical team go through it. As soon as some information and feedback is received from their end, we will inform you in this forum thread.
Ok Thanks will wait for the Ticket Updates in future, Also let me Know if there is any board to keep track on the Progress of the ticket, Instead of this Manual communication via this forumn.
The ticket status can be checked at the bottom of this forum thread. Since its been logged in our internal tracking system, you won’t be able to access it. However, further progress of the ticket will be shared in this forum thread.
Also, as per the initial comments on the ticket by the development team, it will be appreciated if you can please share your sample document with us. If it contains private information, you can redact it or remove it and then share with us. It is quite significant for us to have a sample document.
@asad.ali we rtried to edit the PDF using Acrobat Pro version, but The moment we edit the PDF, The Metadata gets wiped out. As of now i only can coment that The Document were of PDFA-1B format with the outputcontent of RGC details of which i shred in prevoius attachment.
Alright, we will try to investigate at our maximum with the provided information up to your latest message and let you know once we have some investigation results.
We have checked the ticket details and found that it has already been escalated to the highest priority. It is currently being worked on and as soon as we have some investigation results, we will be sharing them with you in the respective paid support ticket.
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