Aspose PDF To DocX ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

Good day

We are experiencing the following ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error on our EC2 instances, kindly see below the relevant error message. We are working with Aspose version 23.4. This error is not being experienced locally, but primarily on our EC2 instances. We are using java 8. Please see the attached for the code snippet and error message.

Codeblock.docx (14.3 KB)
ErrorMessage.docx (14.7 KB)

Any pdf file is currently causing this issue.
Your input on resolving the above error would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


The code snippet seems pretty basic and fine. The issue looks related to specific environment and need some investigation. Can you please try using the latest available version of the API and see if it resolves issue? Also, please make sure that all windows fonts are present in installed in the system.