Aspose.pdf trial version limitation

I was wondering if the trial version of Aspose.PDF has limitations placed on the size of the file it can read? I have tried to create a PDF by appending multiple PDF files. If the source PDF files are large (8+MB), only a few pages from the source PDF file are appended to the destination file. Thanks for your help!


Dear Ivan,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

I think you are using Aspose.Pdf.Kit to appending pdf files, right? Yes it has limitations of the pages of pdf for evaluation version.

Dear Ivan,

Could you please send your test PDF files to me or post on the forum as attachment directly? I have confirm that there is no limit on appending in Evaluation Version of Aspose.Pdf.Kit.

Sorry for my mistake. I discussed this issue with the developers and found there is no limitation. If it still won’t work, please send the example to georgie and let us test it. If the files are too large please send to his gmail email address. Please include a link to this post in your mail.

Hello! Thank you for your prompt replies. I just sent the large PDF file to Georgie's GMail account. I also sent my code that uses Aspose.Pdf.kit

Thank you!

I have tested with your PDF file and the following simplified code and there is no error:

Dim inFile1 As String = TestPath + “82007/Aspose.Pdf.Kit.pdf”
Dim inFile2 As String = TestPath + “82007/April16_2007_Minutes.pdf”
Dim outFile As String = TestPath + “82007/Temp_file.pdf”

Dim editor As PdfFileEditor = New PdfFileEditor()
editor.Append(inFile1, inFile2, 1, 3, outFile)

If the Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf has 5 pages, then the result Temp_file.pdf will contain 8 pages.

Please check if there is another reason to cause the problem.

Best Regards.

Actually, the big PDF file April16_2007_Minutes.pdf contains 54 pages. So if Aspose.PDF.Kit.pdf contains 5 pages, the result Temp_file.pdf should total 59 pages.

What you experienced was what I experienced. Aspose.Pdf.Kit only converted 4 pages of a 54 page April16_2007_Minutes.pdf. So my result document only contained 8 pages when it should have really contained 58 pages.

You can see the code:

editor.Append(inFile1, inFile2, 1, 3, outFile)

This line has limited
April16_2007_Minutes.pdf only append page1-page3 to result file. If you want to append page1-page54 to result file, you must write code like this:

editor.Append(inFile1, inFile2, 1, 54, outFile)

Best Regards.

I see. You are right. I am now using pdfEditor.Concatenate(inStreams, outStream) instead of pdfEditor.Append. “Concatenate” was what I had really intended to do. I am new to Aspose and am still learning. I am satisfied that this issue is closed. Thank you very much for educating me.

You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure.

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getting the same results with Aspose.PDF v7.4

check my post

Hi Vibhor,

Thanks for using our products.

When Aspose.Pdf for .NET in trial mode, the resultant/concatenated PDF file cannot exceed 4 pages. However in order to fully test the features of our product, you may request a 30 days temporary license. For further information, please visit Get a temporary license.

In case of any further query, please feel free to contact.