Aspose PDF with .Net : Page Break Not Working Properly

I am facing issue while adding pagebreak to a PDF. I am using Aspose PDF using .Net with version 24.3.0.

Issue : When I add a pagebreak at a particular place in the PDF the margns of the PDF goes away from next page.

See attached PDF and following code.

var pdfDoc = new Document(“\Users\Desktop\ProjectClauseSample.pdf”);
PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new();
MemoryStream streamPageBreak = new();
TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new(“Project Clauses 2”)
TextSearchOptions = new TextSearchOptions(true)
TextFragment textFragment = absorber.TextFragments[1];
fileEditor.AddPageBreak(memory, streamPageBreak, new PdfFileEditor.PageBreak[]
new PdfFileEditor.PageBreak(textFragment.Page.Number, textFragment.Rectangle.URY - 1)
pdfDoc = new Document(streamPageBreak);
ProjectClauseSample.pdf (145.4 KB)


Can you please share the output PDF file generated in your environment as well so that we can further proceed accordingly.