Aspose.PowerPoint.Suite Product Preview

Dear customers,

The Product Suite

We’re proposing to make a product suite Aspose.PowerPoint.Suite which includes:

1. Aspose.PowerPoint.Engine. It is the proposed Aspose.PowerPoint, an invisible control that enables you to read and write PowerPoint documents in your Windows or Web applications. It will be renamed to Aspose.PowerPoint.Engine when the product suite is available for sale.

2. Aspose.PowerPoint.Web. It is proposed be a Web visible control that enables you to write Web applications to allow your customers to view and edit PowerPoint documents in Web pages.

3. Aspose.PowerPoint.Windows. It is proposed be a Windows visible control that enables you to write Windows applications to allow your customers to view and edit PowerPoint documents in Windows forms.

The Inside Out

Everything is under proposal so I can not mention too much here on how the product suite will look like. However, two things are quite sure.

1. Microsoft PowerPoint.

(1). With Aspose.PowerPoint.Engine and Aspose.PowerPoint.Windows, without much effort, you are able to make a Windows application that looks like a simplified version of Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows.

(2). With Aspose.PowerPoint.Engine and Aspose.PowerPoint.Web, without much effort, you are able to make a Web application that looks like a simplified version of Microsoft PowerPoint for Web.

2. Independence.

(1). Aspose.PowerPoint.Engine can be used independently without Aspose.PowerPoint.Web and Aspose.PowerPoint.Windows.

(2). Both Aspose.PowerPoint.Web and Aspose.PowerPoint.Windows are dependent on Aspose.PowerPoint.Engine.

(3). Aspose.PowerPoint.Web and Aspose.PowerPoint.Windows are independent on each other.

I welcome you guys to request features in this forum for the Aspose.PowerPoint.Suite.