Aspose Purchase - Converting from PDF to RTF

Hi Tech Support,

We are looking to a buy a licence for Aspose.

Please confirm which of your product allows converting from PDF to RTF using Java?

We believe this might be Aspose PDF but there is nothing on your website that explicitly states this conversion being possible.

Kind Regards,

Abbad Minhas

Hi Abbad,

Thanks for interest in Aspose.Pdf. I am afraid currently Aspose.Pdf does not support PDF to RTF conversion directly. We have logged a new feature request PDFJAVA-36218 for same in our issue tracking system. We will notify you as soon as it is implemented.

Howeve, you can achieve your requirements with collaboration of Aspose.Pdf and Aspose.Words. In first step you can convert your PDF document to DOC(X) using Aspose.Pdf for Java and later can use Aspose.Words to convert DOC(X) document to RTF. Please check following documentation link for details.

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,