"Aspose::Pdf::Rotation" has no member "on180"

Hello, I am trying to rotate my pdf page but getting the following error. Could you guide me to solve it?

E0135 enum “Aspose::Pdf::Rotation” has no member “on180”

// Open the source PDF document
auto pdfDocument = MakeObject<Document>(u"SourceDirectory\\Sample 1.pdf");

// Loop through the pages
for (System::SharedPtr<Page> page : pdfDocument->get_Pages())
	// Rotate page

// Save the PDF file


We have also noticed a similar issue in our environment while testing with 22.2 version of the API. Therefore, an issue as PDFCPP-1809 has been registered in our issue tracking system for further investigation. We will look into its details and keep you posted on the status of its resolution. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Possibly, you did not include “Rotation.h” in the source code.

#include "Aspose.Pdf.Cpp/Rotation.h" 

Please try again and let us know if problem is not solved.