Hello. We have noticed that in some cases generated images from slides include horizontal line artifact.
Slide being converted:
image.png (2.5 KB)
Output result:
image.png (28.0 KB)
It contains blue line which doesn’t exist in our chart.
I’m attaching slides and code which was used to generate this image.
void slide_test() throws Exception {
byte[] fileContent =
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent));
ISlide slide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);
RenderingOptions renderingOptions = new RenderingOptions();
Dimension2D slideSize = presentation.getSlideSize().getSize();
BufferedImage image = getBufferedImage(slide, (int) slideSize.getHeight(), renderingOptions);
JpegOptions imageOptionsBase = new JpegOptions();
imageOptionsBase.setResolutionSettings(new ResolutionSetting(300.0, 300.0));
try (Image img = ImageExtensions.fromJava(image); FileOutputStream slideImage = new FileOutputStream("test.jpg")) {
img.save(slideImage, imageOptionsBase);
} catch (IOException ex) {
private BufferedImage getBufferedImage(ISlide slide, int height, RenderingOptions renderingOptions) {
final double SLIDE_IMAGE_DPI = 300.0;
final int IMAGE_WIDTH = 960;
final double HTML_DPI = 96.0;
double scale = SLIDE_IMAGE_DPI / HTML_DPI;
return slide.getThumbnail(renderingOptions, new Dimension(
(int) (IMAGE_WIDTH * scale),
(int) (height * scale)
I have renamed slides to zip extension, because forums doesn’t accept pptx files. Presentation1.zip (82.4 KB)
We’re using 23.3 slide version. But same issue persists with 23.6.
We’re using openjdk 2022-08-12 version.