I am trying to convert pptx to html format using Java. However the html file generated is not in correct format.
As a workaround, I tried converting the pptx to pdf and the pdf file generated “Failed to open”.
I have tried this with various working pptx file. But Aspose slides do not seem to work.
Anushri Shendre
Would you kindly try to use the latest version of the API and in case it still does not work, please share your sample source file along with sample code snippet. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.
Sample source code snippet :
Presentation to html
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(“C:/dcs.pptx”);
HtmlOptions htmlopt = new HtmlOptions();
htmlopt.setHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter.createDocumentFormatter(“”, false));
presentation.save(“C:/dcs.html”, SaveFormat.HTML, htmlopt);
What version do you recommend for aspose-slides(Aspose.Slides | Java Library to Process PowerPoint Formats)? 23.10?
We always recommend using the latest available version of the API which is 23.10 at the moment. Please try using it and share your sample files with us in case you face any issues.