Firstly thanks for the work to get the Aspose components working again on Linux in later .net versions with the System.Drawing problem. However the approach is causing some problems.
- SkiaSharp
- System.Drawing
- Separate new Aspose.PDF.Drawing package uses Aspose.Drawing
- net6.0 target uses SkiaSharp
- net6.0-windows7.0 target uses System.Drawing
- Uses Aspose.Drawing. (v23.2 not available on nuget)
- 167MB of native dlls
- Namespace clashes with System.Drawing
Aspose.Slides Classes Conflict with the System.Drawing Package
The ImageFormat Type Exists in Both Aspose.Slides and System.Drawing.Common
How did all these components from one company all end up with different solutions to this problem?
In any case is it possible for Aspose.Slides to choose one of the other options? It’s now so large that everywhere components get copied during a build we have run out of available disk space in Devops pipeline builds.