Aspose.Slides for C++ Does Not Allow Text Extraction Even from a Single Slide


We are using Aspose.Slides for C++ in macOS arm64 in evaluation mode which doesn’t allow to extract text even from a single slide – according to the docs related to the evaluation version, we should be able to do that. So it’s impossible to evaluate the functionality we need.

Here is the code we are using to get the text from a pptx with a single slide:

auto slides = presentation->get_Slides();
    for (int i = 0; i < slides->get_Count(); ++i) {
        auto slide = slides->idx_get(i);
        auto textFramesOnSlide = Aspose::Slides::Util::SlideUtil::GetAllTextBoxes((slide));
        for (int j = 0; j < textFramesOnSlide->get_Count(); j++) {
            auto textFrame = textFramesOnSlide->idx_get(j);
            for (int k = 0; k < textFrame->get_Paragraphs()->get_Count(); ++k) {
                std::string paragraphString;
                auto paragraph = textFrame->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(k);
                for (int l = 0; l< paragraph->get_Portions()->get_Count(); ++l) {
                    auto portion = paragraph->get_Portions()->idx_get(l);
                    paragraphString += portion->get_Text().ToUtf8String();
                paras.push_back(paragraphString + "\n");

And here is the output from the IDE:

Overv... text has been truncated due to evaluation version limitation.
Offli... text has been truncated due to evaluation version limitation.
Ideal... text has been truncated due to evaluation version limitation.
Singl... text has been truncated due to evaluation version limitation.

Also, we think allowing text extraction from only a single slide is quite limited, maybe you could increase the number of slides a bit to allow for more flexibility in the evaluation version.

Thank you for contacting support.

Yes, you are right, the evaluation version of Aspose.Slides cuts off text when you extract it from PowerPoint presentations, but you can get a temporary license to evaluate the full functionality of Aspose.Slides.

OK, thank you.

Thank you for evaluating Aspose.Slides.