Aspose.Slides for Java and Aspose.Words for Java: Multiple License Use

I am trying 2 license (word and slide) at a time but slide one is not working giving error signature not valid.

Thank you for contacting support.

Please share the following files and information:

  • code example that reproduces the error
  • stacktrace of the error
  • Aspose.Slides for Android version you used
  • license file

Please do not share the license file here, use the following instruction.

Hi @andrey.potapov

try {
    AssetManager assetManager = getAssets();
    License license = new License();
} catch (Exception e) {

Caused by: class com.aspose.slides.exceptions.InvalidOperationException: The signature is invalid.
implementation(group: ‘com.aspose’, name: ‘aspose-slides’, version: ‘21.3’, classifier: ‘’)

Thank you for the details. The exception occurs because your license is for newer versions of Aspose.Slides and is not supported by older versions. Please use the latest version of Aspose.Slides for Android via Java. For example, version 23.5 does not produce the exception.