I am trying to evaluate Aspose.Slides for Java to create OOXML Powerpoint Presentations. The system requirements page states that Aspose.Slides for Java requires JAI and JAI Image I/O. The FAQs states that those libraries can be downloaded from https://jai.dev.java.net/binary-builds.html
which does not exist any more. I am running on Java SE 7 / JDK 7u3, where can I find binary releases of the required JAI packages?
I already had a look on the API Aspose.Slides provides, and it seems to me that the methods which the OOXML PowerPoint class PresentationEx provides are very limited in comparison the old PowerPoint format class Presentation. Am I correct to conclude that Aspose.Slides for Java is not suited to create OOXML presentations at its current state as it does not provide the same features as for the old format (not to speak of any of the new capabilities the OOXML format provides)? Or is it just that the new API has changed and now is more nested than before?
Thank you in advance for your answer,
Florian Burger
Hi Florian,
Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Slides.
Sorry for replying you late.
I am sorry, the mentioned link in documentation is not providing good results. Please use this link http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jai/downloads/download-iio-1_0_01.html
for JAI and JAI Image I/O libraries. Please you use these links link1, link2 which are also helping you for better understanding. I hope these links will help you in this regard.
As per second Question, We are trying to produce same features for both PPT and PPTX. Yes, You are right, until now, PPTX provide fewer features as compare with PPT. Both PPT and PPTX are under development process. Please you use this link http://www.aspose.com/community/files/66/corporate/brochures/entry304935.aspx
and download “Brochure - Aspose.Slides product family” which is also helping you for better understanding. Our 1st priority to serve you best as per your requirement. Can you share, what you want from PPTX?
If there is anything else I can do in the meantime then please let me know.