Aspose.Slides for Java: User Is Unable to Upload PowerPoint File

We have a customer who has a user having difficulty uploading a Powerpoint file to Aspose. Specifically, the user is trying to upload a Power Point file which contains graphs. It appears the issue may have to do with the excel files that are embedded in the graphs. I was able to successfully upload the excel files separately, and then create separate items of the graphs from those files. This problem may be happening because it can’t render a excel spreadsheets within the Power Point.

I tried running this in Aspose checker, and it was unable to complete.

Please let me know if any additional information in required.

Thank you for contacting support.

Please check your results using the latest version of Aspose.Slides for Java if it is possible. If the issue persists, please share the following files and information:

  • presentation file
  • code example that reproduces the problem
  • stacktrace of an error
  • OS version on which the code was executed
  • JDK version in your app
  • Aspose.Slides version you used

ELN Test File (2.1 MB)

Please find the zipped .PPT file attached. I will be sure to follow up and provide you a response regarding the requested information.

OS Version: Rocky8
Java Version:

Thank you for the presentation file and information about your environment. We need also a code example to reproduce the problem on our end and investigate the case.

Hi Andrey,

I do not have the code example, but here is the aspose slide version we used


To provide you an update, we were able to upload the PPT file. The issue is occuring with a customer of ours, it appears they are experiencing a time out issue. (Our service is set to a 5 min time out limit).

Might you be able to see why it is taking so long for the user to upload this PPT? I assume it is because of the imbedded Excel file within the PPT? Any advice would be appreciated.

Unfortunately, I don’t yet see how your problem is related to Aspose.Slides. We need more details.