I have encountered a recurring issue while using Aspose.Slides.Net.
Currently, I am working on a project that involves converting PowerPoint (ppt) documents into Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
During the conversion process, an extra hyphen is being generated in the text content of the output PDF document.
For example, consider these lines of texts in a ppt document:
“Insgesamt wurden seit Jahresbeginn Einlagen im Volumen von 37,7 Mrd. Euro eingesammelt”
Upon conversion to PDF, an unexpected hyphen is added, as illustrated below:
“Insgesamt wurden seit Jahresbeginn Einlagen im Volu-men von 37,7 Mrd. Euro eingesammelt”
To address this issue, I have upgraded Aspose.Slides to the latest version, but unfortunately, this inconsistency persists.
Could you please investigate this matter?
Please find attached sample files which illustrate the issue,a picture directly showing the issue and the code used to cause the issue.
ProblematicCode.png (10.8 KB)
problematicSlide_out.pdf (49.6 KB)
problematicSlide.zip (28.2 KB)
PictureOfIssue.png (87.9 KB)