ASPOSE.SLIDES generated PPT crashes when ThnkCell Chart 5.1 is installed

Kindly note that I have developed a .NET application that generates PPT using ASPOSE.SLIDES. MS PowerPoint crashes when trying to open a PPT generated by ASPOSE only in presence of ThinkCell Chart 5.1

if disabling ThinkCell Chart 5.1, the PPT will open normally. the problem is that MS PowerPoint crashes when ThinkCell Chart 5.1 is active and only with PPT generated from ASPOSE.SLIDES. All other PPT coming for other places are running perfectly with ThinkCell Chart 5.1 activated.

Pelase advise urgently.

NB: attahced is a PPT generated from our application and a screen on the error generated.

Hani Khanafer

Hello Hani,

Aspose.Slides can’t copy slides with ActiveX controls.
If I’m not mistaken ThinkCell is flash inserted as ActiveX.

Actually i do not have experience in ThinkCell as i dont use it but the company that are using the application are using it and they are facing the problem.

Can you please be more specific about the problem as i didnt get what do you mean.


Hello Hani,

I mean it won’t work for presentations with ThinkCell created using Aspose.Slides.

Dear Sir, kindly note that i have received this email from ThinkCell. Please note that they are using ThinkCEll Chart. Please advise

Hi Hani,

we have supplied Aspose with the technical documentation in KB0073: How to find out with VBA if a shape is used by think-cell? | think-cell which details how to recognize a PowerPoint object as used by think-cell.

However, Alexey Zhilin of Aspose informed us that he cannot yet reproduce your problem. Please work with him to make the problem reproducible and enable him to provide you with a solution.

Kind regards,

Hello Hani,

We are working with think-cell support to find the source of the problem and fix it if possible.
They provided latest version of think-cell chart and we tested slide cloning using Aspose.Slides.
Actually we couldn’t reproduce the problem in our tests. Created presentations can be opened
without any problems in PowerPoint 2003 and 2007 (we didn’t test other versions).

So please try to use latest think-cell chart and write about results. If problem still exists then
please provide source presentations and code you use to create ppt files with cloned slides.

Kindly send me your email as i dont want to publish my code on the website.

thank you for your understanding

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