Aspose.slides java PPT/x performance issue while converting to image and even asking for slide count on mac

While working with PPT/x files to convert into image; found that performance is too bad.
Working with MacOS 10.8.4 and JRE 1.6.0_51

1. Asking PPTX file to ask for total slide count: 20 seconds (sample.pptx)
2. Asking slide count for some file having approx 100 slides throwing exception (moral*.ppt*)

PPTX file converting 12 slides taking more than 60 seconds and many time exception. (sample.pptx)

Presentation pres = new Presentation(fileName);
count = pres.getSlides().getLastSlidePosition();
pres = null;

PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx(fileName);
count = pres.getSlides().getCount();
pres = null;

Taking this much time; is not a good solution for me.

Hi Atil,

I have worked with the shared presentation set and tried loading that in my Windows environment. Actually, when you load the presentation it gets loaded in Document Object Model (DOM) of Aspose.Slides. Loading in DOM is dependent upon number of slides and content insides slides. Loading in DOM means every thing in your presentation slides is extracted and loaded in Aspose.Slides data structures. I have obtained the following results on my end during my testing. Can you please share the exception stack trace with us so that I may observe the type of issue. I also suggest you to please try using JDK 1.6_35 as well on your end. I have obtained the following output during my investigation.

Presentation: Sample.pptx has 12 Slides
Heap Size = 238
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 11 seconds)

Presentation: MoralTheoryMeetsCognitiveScience.pptx has 101 Slides
Heap Size = 344
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 12 seconds)

Presentation: MoralTheoryMeetsCognitiveScience.ppt has 101 Slides
Heap Size = 154
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 3 seconds)

Many Thanks,