Aspose.Slides TextFrame: Paragraph Portions Are Collapsing to Only One Portion

I have a presentation, where I want to edit or add a new shape with a text frame, and specify a paragraph with portions, when I set it I see the correct count of portions in my shape. But when I save the presentation into the MemoryStream and open the presentation via the stream I saved before, my portions of the shape are collapsed into 1, but initially, it was 3 different portions. Why?

Code to reproduce:

var presentation  = new Presentation(<path_to_presentation>);

var shape = presentation.Slides[2].Shapes[5];

var textFrame = shape.GetTextFrame();

 textFrame.Text = string.Empty;

 var portions = new string[] { "0X xxxxxxxx x", "xx", "xxxxxxxxxx xx XXXX" };

 textFrame.Paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph());

 var paragraph = textFrame.Paragraphs[0];


 for (var j = 0; j < portions.Length; j++)
     paragraph.Portions.Add(new Portion());
     var portion = paragraph.Portions[j];
     portion.Text = portions[j];

var expectedCount = presentation.Slides[2].Shapes[5].GetTextFrame().Paragraphs[0].Portions.Count; // 3

 var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
 presentation.Save(memoryStream, saveFormat);
 memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

var presentation2 = new Presentation(memoryStream);
var actualCount = presentation2 .Slides[2].Shapes[5].GetTextFrame().Paragraphs[0].Portions.Count; // 1

This should be reproducible with all presentations (new or existing, I suggest to you use mine) (3.4 MB)

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