Aspose.Task save to PDF rendering issue

It is the exact same output as the previous one :

Would it be possible for you to share a complete working example, so we can see how it should be done and check if our existing code is wrong ?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


I have requested feedback from our team for concerned issue and will share further feedback with you as soon as it will be shared by our team.

I have prepared working example for Java. It uses Aspose.Tasks for Java 21.6. It works for your old example file. If it doesn’t work for you, please provide the latest project file you are using.

Thank you very much @mudassir.fayyaz. We will try it and will get back to you for feedback.

Best regards,

@mudassir.fayyaz I can’t download the file. I have an error message :

“Sorry, this file is private. Only visible to topic owner and staff members.”


Can you please try downloading from following link.

Thank you @mudassir.fayyaz. I can confirm that the PDF view displays the same as the MPP with version 21.6.
Thank you for your help.


Thank you for the feedback. We may close this ticket now.


Would it be possible to wait until TASKNET-4609 is resolved before closing the ticket?

Best regards,


That is a separate task though. But we will consider this on our end.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKSNET-4609) have been fixed in this update.