Aspose.Tasks 1.6.3 BaseCalendars Limited to 5?

I am currently using your Aspose.Tasks 1.6.3 and I am having an issue with getting all the Calendars from the MSProject 2003 .mpp file. It seems that I can never get more than 5 from the project.

I tried deleting some of the calendars from the .mpp file but your product still finds them. The only difference is that they just don't have a name. This is probably a memory clean up issue by MSProject. But I still have no way to get all the calenders that the project file has.

Any help you can provide will be greatfully appreciated.

Plus I have an old post that I have not had a response back from
<A href="</A></P> <P>I am forced to continue to use your older version because it does not throw an error parsing the file, like your current build. And I am also waiting on all the ExtendedAttributes to become available.</P>


MPP files created through MS Project 2007 and saved in "MS Project 2000 - 2003" MPP format works fine with Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.2.1.x. You can adopt it as a workaround to shift to the newer version. However, for reading MPP file created through MS Project 2003, an issue with issue id 11872 has been created. A separate issue with issue id 11873 has been created to access all the extended attributes in an MPP file. Our product development team will investigate these issues and you will be informed accordingly on the progress / fix.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 11872) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

Thanks for fixing the problem with invalid xml characters like ''. But I have found another problem when trying to open a different .mpp file created in MSProject 2003.

Unfortunately the file is too large for MSProject to perform a "Save As.." to xml so I cannot trouble shoot what the problem might be.

I get this error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Sorry but I cannot supply the sourcefile that is raising the error message but here is the StackTrace message

at x9d5a5f8cb1bea48a.x06ab8cb464ad263f.x06b0e25aa6ad68a9(Task x801bd3a7d5412d70, Hashtable x8f199855adaa4854, Byte[] x7201b70971f98378, Byte[] xf9d37f33bce6fbd5, xfa0847bcee021cf4 x5bab213824e6b068)
at x9d5a5f8cb1bea48a.x8f3e927637419190.x06b0e25aa6ad68a9(Stream xcf18e5243f8d5fd3)
at Aspose.Tasks.ProjectReader.Read(Stream stream)

My best guess is that there is a task that has a value for some field that cannot be cast properly to the Aspose object


We can't identify the problem without source file. If you like, you can provide the file via email using contact --> mail option.

Sorry but I cannot include the MSProject file because it has proprietary information. But I have been doing some checking and I think I have figured out what the problem might be. The files that are still throwing errors are ones that have durations that are not based on days. They are in a week or month format. Could you check to see if your parser would have a problem if that is the case and let me know.

Thanks again for all your great work and quick turn-around times on your forums!!


It would be great if you can provide a sample project file with dummy data exhibiting such problem so that, at least i can test it before actually creating an issue on our Issue Tracking System.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 11873) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.