Aspose.Tasks.Project.CurrentDate and Aspose.Tasks.Project.StatusDate == "1/1/0001"

I am using your latest build of Aspose.Tasks

I have included two sample .mpp and .xml files. When I open the files in the .mpp format I get "1/1/0001" as the datetime from Aspose.Tasks.Project.CurrentDate and Aspose.Tasks.Project.StatusDate. But when I open the files in the .xml format I get the correct datetime. Not sure if there is something that I am not setting up correctly in the file. I have opened the ProjectvInformation and changed the dates but still getting the same problem.


Reading CurrentDate and StatusDate from mpp files is not supported now.

The issue ‘Read project Status and Current date from mpp files’ has been created and linked to this forum thread.

We will try to add the support to this week release.


Reading project’s Name, LastSaved, StatusDate from MSP 2003/2007/20010 will be added in the new Aspose.Tasks 2.5.0 release.

MS Project does not save CurrentDate in mpp file. Every time you are opening mpp or xml file it is a Today 8:00 (the time does not depend from working time or current calendar as I can see).

I have used a formula for CurrentDate calculation:

project.CurrentDate = new DateTime(project.LastSaved.Year, project.LastSaved.Month, project.LastSaved.Day, 8, 0, 0);

Also pay attention, that in XML file “.xml” extension is added to project name.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 13828) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.