Aspose Total - Ambiguous match found

We just upgraded to Aspose Total 20.7.2 and now whenever I try to license Aspose.Imaging I get this:

Exception thrown: ‘System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException’ in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Ambiguous match found. occurred

I click Continue 3 times to get past the error only to incur another error:
Exception thrown: ’ ​ ’ in Aspose.Imaging.dll
Additional information: ZipEntry::ReadHeader(): Bad signature (0xE0FFD8FF) at position 0x00000000 occurred

This is a C# .NET 4.8 Console application.

Please fix this!!


Can you please share the license file with us privately by sending Message to me sot hat I may verify the license on our end. Please also provide the sample code used to reproduce the issue on our end.

image.png (22.7 KB)