Aspose-total(cell) QUESTIONS


Your component ( may meet our concerns.

We face the following problem :
Our client uses reporting services and would be interested in generating csv files complying with cp 1252 schema. Unfortunately, this function is not offered by Reporting Services.

Do your products solve this problem and offer this extension ?

Sincerely yours

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Hi Frederic,

We will get back to you soon for your inquiry.

Thank you.

Hi Frederic,

Please post your rdl file.

Soon we check it.

Hi Roy

Thanks a lot


Hi Fred,

I have checked your file.

This function is offered by Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services.

Please try Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services.

Please download it in

If it exists question , please feedback to me.

Thank you.

Hi Roy,

→ In order to implement the extension, should I add the text below in rsreportserver.config?

< Extension Name=“ACCSV” Type=“Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.CSVRenderer,Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices” >



→ Could you confirm that cp1252 will be taken into account?

sincerely yours


Hi Fred,

We had not be taken into
cp1252 in <DeviceInfo/>.

The encoding setting of you providing RDL file is utf-8.

—> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Is your data source encoding cp1252?

Please detail describe your requirement and your operation environment.

Hi Roy,

I want to keep the data source with the encoding schema utf-8. I face no problem with that.

My goal is to produce csv files complying with cp1252. Indeed, by default, unicode and utf-8 only are available.

My question is : does Aspose give us new extensions, specially CSV with cp1252 schema?

Sincerely yours


Hi Frederic,

Please wait for few days.

Now ,we can solve this problem and offer new extension in few days.

It supports ASCII ,BigEndianUnicode,Unicode,UTF32,UTF8 and UTF7.

Will it satisfy with your requirement?

Hi Roy,

I am interested in cp1252 (windows1252) only.

Sincerely yours


Hi Frederic,

Please post the cp1252 encoding file here.

Thank you.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Please try the attached fix. Please modify the parameters in Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.xml file.

The XML file in ${installation_Path}.

Thank you & Best Regards,


thanks for your answer. It works fine.

Unfortunately, it seems not to take into account data output parameters (see attached file). Indeed, I want datas to be partly present in csv files , partly not. Thanks to data output parameters (reporting services) I am able to determine which datas (lists, column) should be selected. But your extension extract the whole datas.

Is there any solution with your extension?

Sincerely yours


Hi Fred,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Please post your RDL and exporting MS Excel files, so we can figure out this issue soon.

Thank you & Best Regards,


the rdl file is already attached .

Concerning the csv file, two examples attached in this mail.

--> What is expected

--> The result with Aspose

Sincerely yours


Hi fred,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Please try new version. In this version we have improved render control and added a CSV parameter. When the value of ‘RenderTableList’is true and exported format is CSV format , Only export data about list and table will be extracted.

Please perform the following steps do get this functionality working,

· Uninstall old application and install new version

· Open ${Installation Path} and find the Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.XML file

· Open Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.XML file and modify the value of RenderTableList to true

Thank you & Best Regards,


Sql server is upgraded regularly. Will Aspose keep on being compatible with SQLSERVER?

Best regards


Well, currently SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 is supported. We are writing code for SSRS 2008 and SSRS 2000, it may take about 3 months time to support both of them.

Thank you.


When you upgrade your SQLSERVER ( for example: 2005-->2008), do you have to pay for another fee/license?

Best regards


Dear Frederic,

When you purchase a license from Aspose, you are eligible to receive free updates for a period of one year. During which time you can download any new version released completely free of cost. You can continue to receive free updates for another year by renewing your license. For more information please consult Subscriptions and .

Please feel free to contact us in case you have further comments or questions.

Thank you for contacting support and have a nice day.