Aspose total for python

I installed aspose-words version 23.7.0 via pip and using ‘’ license file that was provided by my company; the issue is that using this code:

import aspose.words as aw
lic = aw.License()

except RuntimeError as err:
print("\nThere was an error setting the license: {0}".format(err))

Resulting in following error:
‘There was an error setting the license: Proxy error(InvalidOperationException): The license is not valid for this product.’
I have checked the expiry date and wondering if this license does not work in python, any help would be much apreciated :slight_smile:


Please note that your license file “Aspose.Total.NET.lic” will only work for .NET (Aspose) APIs/SDKs and will not work for Python APIs. Therefore, you will need to purchase a separate license to use Aspose.Total for Python via .NET. Additionally, if you are only using Aspose.Words for Python via .NET API, you may want to consider purchasing only an Aspose.Words for Python via .NET license.

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