Aspose.Total runtime license

Hi Aspose! We are now already customers for several years.

One question that arised in the past days. What happens when one of our customers is not updating every year. Will the documents created by Aspose show a license error/information?

We did some test internally on an internal test-deployment and just exchanged the aspose.lic file in the JAR file and had this license error/information.

Thanks for clarification


Can you please specify which Aspose product you are referring to regarding the license error when not updating annually?

Aspose.Total for Java** ( [Developer OEM ] (DeveloperOEM) 1 year )


As long as you do not update the Aspose libraries (JARs), your existing license will continue to work properly, and your documents will not display evaluation watermarks. Please note, generally, an Aspose license is perpetual, meaning it will never expire, and you can continue to use it indefinitely as long as you stick to Aspose libraries versions that were released before your license’s subscription expiry date. Upgrading your subscription or purchasing new license(s) is optional. However, if you wish to use Aspose APIs versions that will be released after your subscription expiry date for more enhanced features, robust APIs, you will need to upgrade your subscription and acquire a new license(s) for their use. Moreover, to check license expiry date, you may open the license file into some text editor (e.g., Notepad) and check its subscription expiry date.

Could you please provide the complete error details? Also, which Aspose (Java) APIs (which version) are you using? Does the older license work fine if you replace it back in the JAR file?