Aspose word for jasper

i am checking the conversion for the jasper report to word by Aspose word for jasperreport temp license.
we have a java code to generate the word file

i found an issue for the word file header

below is the pdf from jasper report
P2_pdf.png (13.0 KB)

the after converted to word , i found the header is incorrect
P1_output word file.png (3.4 KB)

and i dont sure it is related to some table is spited so the conversion can not detect the header correctly
P3_table splti.png (13.9 KB)

it is not convenience to provide the jrxml files since too much sub templates

Please help, thank.

Hi @tsangjo

For testing your issue can you provide jrprint file and your AWExporterParameters?

Also you can read documentation and try different AWExporterParameters themself Configuring the Export|Aspose.Words for JasperReports