I am planning to use Aspose.Word for Sharepoint for automated document conversion to PDF within the document libraries. I am currently using the trial version for
I have tried the conversion using the Workflow and through code. Below are the issues I have faced:
- Metadata properties of Document are not preserved when converted to PDF
- If word document is having frames then the converted PDF document is all messed up.
- Hyperlink for Shared drive location are not converted properly.
Can you let me know if there is something I am missing or is this a bug. Also does any of the higher version resolve the above issues. I am really looking forward to reply.
Hi Bhuwan,
Thank you for your interest in our product.
Could you please attach input and output documents demonstrating issues 1-3 you mentioned? I will check the issues on my side and provide you more information.
Thanks and best regards,
I have attached three files to the post.
First file is an image that shows that the metadata in word and pdf library is not same.
Second file is a sample word file which i am trying to convert into pdf.
Third is the converted pdf file for the word. You can also see the hyperlink to shared drives become modified and are not handled properly.
Hi Bhuwan,
Thank you for the additional information.
Regarding issue 1, Aspose.Words for SharePoint currently does not support copying metadata in the list columns to the converted document library item. I linked your request to the appropriate issue in our defect database. You will be notified when it is resolved.
Regarding issue 2, it occurs because at the moment Aspose.Words does not support positioning of floating frames during rendering. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue in our defect database. You will be notified when it is resolved.
Regarding issue 3, I was not able to reproduce it. I tried converting a file with a couple of network share links to PDF and they worked fine in a converted file. Actually, when I open Saved.pdf you attached, and click the link, I get the usual warning message before opening. The link in the message looks OK to me. Of course it does not open because there is no such computer name on my network, but otherwise it seems that the link in your document is working. I’ve attached a screenshot of the message. Could you please tell what exactly is wrong with the converted hyperlink and what is the issue you are having with it?
Thanks and Best Regards,