Aspose Word - Inserting Image via DocumentBuilder

We are a licenced Aspose User and the problem that we are currently facing is that when we are trying to insert the image into a specific position in a word docx file and when we export the document, some words in that position where we have inserted the image get deleted.

So, the paragraph in the word file before the image inserted is :

Die sonstigen Vermögensgegenstände in Höhe von TEUR 4.834 (Vj. TEUR 6.603) beinhalten im Wesentlichen Forderungen gegen das Finanzamt aus Gewerbesteu-erüberzahlungen für das Geschäftsjahr 2018 in Höhe von TEUR 3.241 und für das Geschäftsjahr 2019 in Höhe von TEUR 1.380.

And we are trying to insert the image at first line after the word TEUR 4.834 but the in the export we lost these words and the text looks like this

Die sonstigen Vermögensgegenstände in Höhe von (Vj. TEUR 6.603) beinhalten im Wesentlichen Forderungen gegen das Finanzamt aus Gewerbesteu-erüberzahlungen für das Geschäftsjahr 2018 in Höhe von TEUR 3.241 und für das Geschäftsjahr 2019 in Höhe von TEUR 1.380.

Can you please investigate this? If you want I can send you the file as well.
Thank you.

@omer.asalm Yes, please attach your input document and provide code that will allow us to reproduce the problem. We will check the issue and provide you more information.

Hi alexey, thank you for your prompt answer. I have attached the document. Due to data privacy reason, I have anonymized the document but the error is still reproducible at below paragraph:

Die sunt in culpa in Höhe von TEUR 4.834 (Vj. TEUR 5.63298216552203) beinhal-ten im Wesentlichen sunt in culpa für das sunt in culpa 201818 in Höhe von TEUR 3.296234541 und für das sunt in culpa 92398703 in Höhe von TEUR 90.312312093180.

I am trying to add an image after the number 4.834 like documentBuilder.InsertImage(checkmark.FileName);

Let me know if you need some other information.Document.docx (30.2 KB)

@omer.asalm If I understand you correctly, you are inserting an image at bookmark named "SNAMD_9653fe825a4649cab33f88e1c94ab195". I have tested with the following simple code, ad as I can see the output document looks correct:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.MoveToBookmark("SNAMD_9653fe825a4649cab33f88e1c94ab195", false, false);