Aspose.Word is not respecting mht file formatting during conversion to pdf

I am trying to convert a MHT file to pdf , but this is not reflecting the css properly.
few tables alignment got disturbed. horizontal as well as vertical.
attached mht and generated pdf both.PDFAlignment.png (35.2 KB)
MHTAlignment.png (33.6 KB)

uploaded both screenshots, and generated pdf too.
please suggest the solution , its an urgent one.

Regards,be16bd68-3a2c-4f66-9cea-09ba03cf0a81.pdf (133.2 KB)
MHTDocument.png (62.3 KB)
PDFOutput.png (135.4 KB)

@rekha.bhardwaj Could you please attach the source MHT document here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information.

Thanks for reply.
sure I am attaching the file here.
0a4d5cde-758f-47e6-913f-1ed67fe296a5 - Copy.mhtml.docx (338.7 KB)

@rekha.bhardwaj Unfortunately it is not always possible to fully retain the layout of source HTML document when converting it to Word document due to differences in the formats (like absence of page size in HTML). MS Word have the same issues when loading your document. Please check attached (86.0 KB) and (151.8 KB). Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.


so do you suggest this transformation can be done flawlessly by any other product of ASPOS.
pdf or something.


@rekha.bhardwaj Yes, Aspose.PDF or Aspose.HTML products should not have such limitations in MHTML->PDF conversion scenario as Aspose.Words.

A post was split to a new topic: Exception on loading MHTML document

@rekha.bhardwaj I have moved your request about exception to Aspose.PDF support forum.

Thanks for quick reply, this issue is bit urgent to us , it will be great if can get assistance on this soon.


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