Aspose.word replace occurences from current node

Hello, is there a way to do a replace operation on all nodes of a document starting from the current node (since myDocument.Range.Replace will search from the beginning of the document and i don’t want to replace nodes that are located before the current node) ?


@aaronArchest I am afraid there is no way to search from the specified position/node using Aspose.Words. You can consider implementing the following approach - loop the nodes starting from the specified position and do Node.Range.Replace on each node. For example you can achieve this using DocumentVisitor:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");
// Do replacemnt after the second paragraph.
DocumentVisitorReplaceAfterParagraph replacer = new DocumentVisitorReplaceAfterParagraph(doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs[1], "test", "replacement");
private class DocumentVisitorReplaceAfterParagraph : DocumentVisitor
    public DocumentVisitorReplaceAfterParagraph(Paragraph startFrom, string pattern, string replacement)
        mStartFrom = startFrom;
        mPattern = pattern;
        mReplacement = replacement;

    public override VisitorAction VisitParagraphStart(Paragraph paragraph)
        if (mDoReplace)
            paragraph.Range.Replace(mPattern, mReplacement);

        return VisitorAction.Continue;

    public override VisitorAction VisitParagraphEnd(Paragraph paragraph)
        if(paragraph == mStartFrom)
            mDoReplace = true;

        return VisitorAction.Continue;

    private bool mDoReplace = false;
    private Paragraph mStartFrom;
    private string mPattern;
    private string mReplacement;