@vlbuch23 You should modify your template and data source and put percentage and date values into separate fields, like I have described in one on my previous answers.
So based of this function I wanted to use a particular row that is highlighted.
public DataTable RetrieveCombinedCrscPercentages(int caseId)
DecisionController decision = new DecisionController();
DataSet ds = decision.RetrieveCalculatedCombinedPercentages(caseId);
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0].Copy();
//DataTable dt = new DataTable("RetrieveSlidingPercentage");
dt.Columns.Add("vasrdDisaPct", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("crsceffdates", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("vasrdstartdate", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("vasrdenddate", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("VaeffstartDt", typeof(string));
//dt.Columns.Add("CombDisaPctRnd", typeof(string));
DataTable pctDT = decision.RetrieveSlidingPercentageList(caseId, true);
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
DateTime startDate = (dr["StartDate"].ToString() == String.Empty) | dr["StartDate"].ToString().Equals(DateTime.MinValue.ToString()) ?
DateTime.MaxValue : DateTime.Parse(String.Format("{0:yyyy/mm/dd}", dr["StartDate"].ToString()));
DateTime endDate = (dr["EndDate"].ToString() == String.Empty) | dr["EndDate"].ToString().Equals(DateTime.MinValue.ToString()) ?
DateTime.MaxValue : DateTime.Parse(String.Format("{0:yyyy/mm/dd}", dr["EndDate"].ToString()));
DataRow[] rows = pctDT.Select("StartDate ='" + startDate.ToString() + "'");
foreach (DataRow row in rows)
dr["vasrdDisaPct"] += row["VASRD_1"].ToString() + " " + row["VASRD_2"].ToString() + " " + row["VASRD_3"].ToString() + " (" + row["PERCENTAGE"].ToString() + "%) ";
dr["vasrdstartdate"] = Util.FormatNotificationDate(dr["StartDate"]);
dr["vasrdendDate"] = Util.FormatNotificationDate(dr["EndDate"]);
if (dr["vasrdendDate"].ToString() != "")
dr["crsceffdates"] = dr["CombDisaPctRnd"].ToString() + "% from " + dr["vasrdstartdate"] + " to " + dr["vasrdenddate"] +
" for Code(s) " + dr["vasrdDisaPct"];
dr["crsceffdates"] = **dr["CombDisaPctRnd"].ToString() * *+"% from " + dr["vasrdstartdate"] + " for Code(s) " + dr["vasrdDisaPct"];
return dt;
And in Word Document Template I tried:
Combined % | CRSC Effective Date |
«TableStart:DateRanges»CombDisaPctRnd«TableEnd:DateRanges» |
Why Its not populating it then however. it populates CRSC Effective Dates however. what am I doing wrong.
@vlbuch23 Looks like there is no merge field between TableStart:DateRanges
and TableEnd:DateRanges
, but I cannot tell for sure without actual document. So please attach your actual template document. I will check it and provide you more information.
hello sure find attached and its in last table if you notice. Also I attached as pdf because your portal does not allow to use
@vlbuch23 Thank you for additional information. You should put start of region at the beginning of the first cell in row and end of region at the end of the last cell in the row. Please see the attached simple template: in.docx (15.1 KB)
PS: You can zip file and attach it here regardless of its original format.