Aspose Word Template Issues


I have issues. I have attached word template that has notes in it.
One of the very important one is its not adding CRSC combined percentage column. I have marked in red where it should appear.

Also SMC code appears as 1 digit but we want it as 2 digit.

Thanks and how to remove spaces if middle name does not exist it creates a period or space in between.

I have attached sample word document that populates and code of the template for your reference. I believe its the Retreive Sliding Percentage function thats doing the job for that table I have issue with. Also attached is TemplateController.cs as doc file but its a back end controller code I believe using data grid.NC22-00335-SHEARS-A - Copy of Correct Version.docx (95.3 KB)
templatecontroller.docx (36.1 KB)

@vlbuch23 Unfortunately, your request is not clear enough. Could you please elaborate it a bit more? Please attach your template or better simplified template and code you use to fill the template with data. It would be perfect if you create a simple console application that will allow us to reproduce the problem. We will investigate it and provide you more information.

Sorry this is large application. Console application is not possible but from what I understand child nodes are populating in table which is in word document.

I will try attaching it again as zip folder. This is the code that does most of population of document. I did forward you the template that Aspose generates as well. That was the document earlier. (6.1 KB)

a. The effective date of this CRSC is:

40% from 01 Jul 2016 to 31 Oct 2020 for Code(s) 5243 (10%) 7599 7522 (0%) 9411 (10%) 6522 (10%) 5243 (10%)

100% from 01 Nov 2020 for Code(s) 6260 (10%) 8510 (20%) 8510 (20%) 8520 (20%) 5201 (20%) 8520 (20%) 5243 (30%) 9411 (100%) 5243 (40%) 5201 (20%)

Combined % CRSC Effective Date

Codes should be in percentage order

Would be helpful if the combined percentages and effective dates would populate in this table

@vlbuch23 The provided code does not use Aspose.Words so it is not clear how you generate the result document. The code only have code that works with data, but not with document. There are several techniques that can be used to generate the document: Mail Merge, LINQ Reporting Engine, building document from scratch using DocumentBuilder or DOM. Unfortunately, from the resources you have provided it is not clear what technique you use.


Ok may be this folder can help. I think it sounds like template mapping may have missing (5.7 KB)

@vlbuch23 Thank you for additional information. As I can see from your code you are using Mail Merge feature to generate the document. Could you please attach your template (MS Word document with merge fields) for testing? Most likely there is a mistake in the template and region for CRSC is defined outside the table.

Sure. (5.7 KB)

@vlbuch23 Thank you for additional information, but you have attached your code again. Template is not the code, it is MS Word document with merge fields.

Ooops. try now. These have actual word documents. (5.5 MB)

@vlbuch23 Thank you for additional information. The problem is in CRSC\TemplatesFromProd templates. As you can see the region is outside the table:

In your case the region should be inside the table. Also, as you can notice the there is only one field in the region - crsceffdates. In your case there should be two fields for percent value and date. The template should look like this:

Then the pseudocode to fill the region with data will look like this:

// Dummy data
DataTable dt = new DataTable("DateRanges");
dt.Rows.Add("10%", "01.05.2022");
dt.Rows.Add("20%", "02.05.2022");
dt.Rows.Add("30%", "03.05.2022");

// Opent tempate, execute mail merge with regions and save the result.
Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");

The result will look like this:

Here is simple input and output documents: in.docx (14.9 KB) out.docx (10.6 KB)

Hello. Yes I saw templates itself have problems. Also SMC Code even if I input 01 its generating as 1. Its stored as number in database I checked. Any ideas on that?

@vlbuch23 You can specify the appropriate number format in the mergefield to have a leading zero in the number. Your mergefield code should look like this { MERGEFIELD test \# "00" }.
For example see the attached documents and the following simple code:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");
doc.MailMerge.Execute(new string[] { "test" }, new object[] { 1 });

in.docx (12.2 KB) out.docx (9.5 KB)

Ok I did that little slightly different.

if (smccode.Length == 1)
    DT.Rows[0]["IsSMC"] = "IS";
    DT.Rows[0]["SMCCde"] = "SMC Code" + " " + "0" + DT.Rows[0]["SMCCode"].ToString() +
        " is combat related and is effective " + DT.Rows[0]["SMCEffectiveDate"].ToString();
    DT.Rows[0]["IsSMC"] = "IS";
    DT.Rows[0]["SMCCde"] = "SMC Code" + " " + DT.Rows[0]["SMCCode"].ToString() +
        " is combat related and is effective " + DT.Rows[0]["SMCEffectiveDate"].ToString();

Last issue I have is I was trying to fix the middlename issue which inserts blank space if middle name does not exist. I have tried multiple things. Can you see below:

if (DT.Rows[0]["PartyMiddleName"].ToString() != "")
    DT.Rows[0]["MiddleInitial"] = " " + Util.FormatTextToUpper(DT.Rows[0]["PartyMiddleName"].ToString().Substring(0, 1) + ".");

    DT.Rows[0]["MiddleInitial"] = middle;

@vlbuch23 In this case you can use Text After feature of merge field. Field code should look like this: { MERGEFIELD FirstName \f " " }{ MERGEFIELD MidName \f " " }{ MERGEFIELD LastName } As you can see \f " " switch is added to the first two fields, if the field is not empty the text of this switch is added after the field value.
Here is test code and documents:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");
string[] fieldName = new string[] { "FirstName", "MidName", "LastName" };
string[] fieldValues = new string[] { "Alexey", "", "Noskov" };
doc.MailMerge.Execute(fieldName, fieldValues);

in.docx (12.1 KB) out.docx (9.4 KB)

Got it. and for Combat Tables and Non Combat table its print fields even if its null. We want it to be null if not present.How to achieve that.

@vlbuch23 You can specify mail merge cleanup options to remove unused fields from the document. Please see our documentation for more information.

Ok this is for java what you sent me. Can you send me .net link please. I was trying like below also but still no luck yet.

doc.MailMerge.CleanupOptions = MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyTableRows | MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedFields | MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphs |MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveContainingFields;
Regex regex = new Regex(" ");
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
options.IgnoreFields = true;
// Replace 'e' in document while ignoring deleted text.
options.IgnoreDeleted = true;
// doc.Range.Replace(regex, "", options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <MiddleInitial>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <Vasrd>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <crsceffdates>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <Vasrd1>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <Vasrd2>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <Vasrd3>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Save(this.Response, LetterTemplateEntity.CRSC_LETTER_TEMPLATE_DESC.ToString() + ".docx", Aspose.Words.ContentDisposition.Inline, new OoxmlSaveOptions());

@vlbuch23 I have corrected the link in my previous answer.
You set MailMerge.CleanupOptions correctly, but they should be set before executing mail merge, they are applied upon executing mail merge.
If you simply need to remove merge fields from the document you can use MailMerge.DeleteFields.

Oh k that did the trick. I did it like this and worked.

// Replace 'e' in document while ignoring deleted text.
options.IgnoreDeleted = true;
// doc.Range.Replace(regex, "", options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <MiddleInitial>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <Vasrd>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <crsceffdates>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <Vasrd1>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <Vasrd2>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <Vasrd3>,"), string.Empty, options);
doc.MailMerge.CleanupOptions = MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyTableRows | MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedFields | MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphs | MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveContainingFields;
doc.Save(this.Response, LetterTemplateEntity.CRSC_LETTER_TEMPLATE_DESC.ToString() + ".docx", Aspose.Words.ContentDisposition.Inline, new OoxmlSaveOptions());

A CH61 APPROVAL (TDS) (5).docx (66.6 KB)

My only issue remains is below part now.

Combined % CRSC Effective Date
«TableStart:DateRanges» «crsceffdates»«TableEnd:DateRanges»

So this code I think its printing all percentage and dates to gether. I have attached document as well. I wonder if can extract percentage using some extraction or trim code. If you could share ideas?

Combined % CRSC Effective Date
60% from 01 Oct 2015 for Code(s) 5003 5257 (0%) 5237 (10%) 5271 5003 (10%) 5003 5260 (10%) 7522 (10%) 6260 (10%) 5003 5252 (10%) 8045 (10%)