Aspose word to pdf converting error


I am trying to convert this Word document into a pdf format. While doing so, one of the graphs from page 130 is duplicated (adding colored format to the duplicate graph). I have attached the working copy for the Word document as well as the screenshot of the graph that duplicates. Could you please help?

image.png (18.9 KB)
PI_Work_File_FR_2023-05774(1).docx (568.5 KB)

Please be aware that the issue reported in this Ticket is related to the positioning of the chart after it has been moved. Aspose.Words API don’t duplicate the chart; rather, your original document contains two charts, with the one displaying blue bars positioned behind the one with gray bars. Additionally, please note that deleting the chart with blue bars will result in the expected output in the PDF file.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-25268

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