Aspose.Words 10 for Java on IBM JDK

Do you know if Aspose.Words 10 for Java can work in IBM JDK, especially pSeries machines?
After update of library from 4.0.1 to 10.1.0 no any document can be produced.
Best regards, Evgeniy

Thanks for your inquiry. Have you got any exception? Could you please provide me details of the exception? Please attach stack trace of the exception.
Best regards,

Seems Aspose.Words requires fonts folder set for mail merging…

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find any fonts installed on the system.
at asposewobfuscated.pq.a(
at asposewobfuscated.pq.a(
at com.aspose.words.n.a(
at com.aspose.words.aqx.a(
at com.aspose.words.fp.ak(
at com.aspose.words.fp.BL(
at com.aspose.words.fp.moveNext(
at com.aspose.words.fp.Bh(
at 37)
at com.aspose.words.Document.updatePageLayout( 1402)
at com.aspose.words.fh.perform( 25)
at com.aspose.words.oi.execute( 78)
at com.aspose.words.ol.hd( 91)
at com.aspose.words.ol.Ia( 78)
at com.aspose.words.yc.Th( 236)
at com.aspose.words.yc.a( 70)
at com.aspose.words.MailMerge.execute( 85)
at com.aspose.words.MailMerge.execute( 110)

Hi Evgeniy,
Thanks for your request. Please make sure you specified a folder with fonts before performing conversion to PDF. Please see the following link for more information:
So your code should look like this:

// Specify folder where Aspose.Words will llok for fonts.
FontSettings.setFontsFolder("/usr/share/fonts", true);
// Open document.
Document doc = new Document("/home/alexey/Projects/in.doc");
// Save as PDF."/home/alexey/Projects/out.pdf");

Hope this helps.
Best regards,

Hi Andrey,
Please look carefully at the stact trace.
Font folder is required in method " at com.aspose.words.MailMerge.execute(" before saving to PDF.
We set the fonts folder later (if the conversion to PDF is needed).
Question: why Aspose.Words needs the fonts now in mail-merging. For version 4 we could manipulate Word documents (open, insert content, mail-merge) withouts any fonts.
The problems occurs only in IBM JDK on pSeries.
In Windows env. it works properly.
Best regards, Evgeniy

Sorry for speeding up but it is really very important issue!
Are you investigating it? What is the problem?
Have we always to set fonts folder even if rendering methods are not called?
- Evgeniy

Hi Evgeniy,
Thanks for your request. The problem probably occurs because when you execute mail merge, Aspose.Words internally calls UpdateFieds method. This method in turn calls UpdatePageLayout method that need fonts to layout the document. This method is called to update field that rely on page numbers.
As a simple solution, you can create a folder, put only one TTF font into this folder and specify it as FontsFolder in FontSettings.
The problem does not occur in Windows, because in Windows OS Aspose.Words looks for fonts in standard fonts folder.
Best regards,

Hi Alexey,
Thanks for explanation. I would recommend you to indicate this point in documentation as well.
- Evgeniy

Hi Evgeniy,
Yes, you are right; we have to mention this in the documentation.
Best regards,

Hi Evgeniy,
Thanks for your inquiry. This is mentioned in the main documentation, but currently not in the API docs. We will add a remark about this in the API as well.
Also note, in the next version of Aspose.Words this exception should not occur. We will be adding a generic font embedded in Aspose.Words so if no fonts are found, as was happening in your case, the embedded one is used instead.