Aspose.Words convert pdf to markdown messy code

use Aspose.Words convert pdf to markdown,markdown all of messy code,this is code

document = aw.Document(source_file)"{result}.md")


When converting a PDF document to Markdown using Aspose.Words, if you are encountering messy or improperly formatted output, there are a few things you can consider to improve the results.

  1. Use MarkdownSaveOptions: Aspose.Words provides a class called MarkdownSaveOptions that allows you to specify various settings when saving a document to Markdown format. This can help you control aspects such as table content alignment and image handling, which may affect the overall formatting of the output.

    Here’s an example of how to use MarkdownSaveOptions:

    import aspose.words as aw
    # Load the PDF document
    document = aw.Document("source_file.pdf")
    # Create Markdown save options
    save_options = aw.saving.MarkdownSaveOptions()
    save_options.table_content_alignment = aw.saving.TableContentAlignment.CENTER  # Example option
    # Save the document to Markdown format"", save_options)
  2. Check the Source PDF: The quality of the output Markdown can also depend on the structure and formatting of the original PDF. If the PDF contains complex layouts or non-standard fonts, it may not convert cleanly to Markdown.

  3. Review Supported Features: Ensure that you are aware of the features supported by Aspose.Words for Markdown conversion. Some elements in the PDF may not have a direct equivalent in Markdown, which could lead to unexpected formatting.

  4. Experiment with Different Formats: If the PDF conversion does not yield satisfactory results, consider converting the document to an intermediate format (like DOCX) before converting to Markdown. This can sometimes help in preserving the structure better.

By utilizing these options and considerations, you should be able to achieve a cleaner Markdown output from your PDF documents.

For more detailed information on converting documents to Markdown, you can refer to the official documentation here.

[1]: Convert a Document to Markdown|Aspose.Words for Python via .NET

document :
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