Aspose words document footer


I have a problem with the footer on some documents generated by aspose words, as you ll see in the document attached the logo is truncated as the last line of the text (the one in red )
28507300_1709129747417.docx (32.1 KB)

I think it is due to the height of the line on the table in the footer as you can see below

I want a solution how to fix this java side on creating the document.

Thanks in advance,


@Mouna87 The problem occurs because height rule of rows in the table is set as Exactly. You can reset it to At Least to avoid the problem:

Document doc = new Document(new FileInputStream("C:\\Temp\\in.docx"));
for(Row r : (Iterable<Row>)doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.ROW, true))

out.docx (27.0 KB)

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Thanks @alexey.noskov !

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