Aspose.Words.Document serialization support

Add please serialization support for type Aspose.Words.Document because we operate with this object between client and server and without serialization support we need to manul serialize it with additional workaround code.
Sample code:

new License().SetLicense("Aspose.Words.lic");
Document d1 = new Document();
MemoryStream s1 = new MemoryStream();
BinaryFormatter f1 = new BinaryFormatter();
f1.Serialize(s1, d1);


Type 'Aspose.Words.Document' in Assembly 'Aspose.Words, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=716fcc553a201e56' is not marked as serializable.

Save as DOC or OOXML to a MemoryStream on the server and send to the client. Load on the client. That’s your serialization.

At this moment I use right as you wrote. Why impossible?


Of course, technically, it is possible, however it is very hard to achieve due to internal implementation of Aspose.Words. It is not enough just add an attribute.
So please just save Document to a MemoryStream on the server and send it to the client.
Best regards.

I know what just add an attribute will not be enough. It is a pity that it is difficult to implement Serializable attribute now but thanks for the explanation. In any case it would be very cool if the future versions will have Document type serialization support.