Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateFields does not update computed fields

Hi ,

We are having trouble with Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateFields(). The issue is that when using this method before converting a docx to pdf it causes formula fields to converted to a previous state and is not mimicking the Word F9 to update fields functionality . For example a field that was originally 0, if then is changed to 3 (if its changed through an external sum for example), if I run UpdateFields() then convert the figure shown in the converted pdf will be 0

We are using this method before converting a docx to pdf as seen below:

var doc = new Document(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Counter_Test.docx");
doc.Save(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Counter_Test.pdf");

where :

  • Counter_Test.docx is the docx file which causes the issue

If we manually change the fields then it works



Please find attached:
Counter_Text.docx - the problematic docx file where at Daily Focus we have fields set at 1, 0 and 3 however when converted they become the old values 2,0,0

Counter_Text.pdf - the resultant incorrec
Counter_Test.docx (1.5 MB)

Counter_Test.pdf (73.0 KB)

t pdf

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