I’m creating a new c++ console project using visual studio 2022.
I’ve just installed the Aspose.Words.cpp Nuget package.
When I compile and run the project using “ISO C++17 Standard (/std:c++17)”, everything works.
(Project properties->C/C+±>Language->C++ Language Standard)
When I use “ISO C++20 Standard (/std:c++20)”, I get a compile time error
"Error C2760 syntax error: '<' was unexpected here; expected ';' ...packages\CodePorting.Translator.Cs2Cpp.Framework.23.5.0\build\native\include\system\object_ext.h 676
This is the line
using retval_t = typename std::result_of<decltype(func)()>::type;
Can I use the library without reverting my project to use an older c++ version?