Hi, We have purchased ASPOSE.Words component and are using successfully to extract text from document (doc, docx).
Now, I want to use this as document viewer also. Means on web page, I want to display the word document as is from the server. How can I achieve this using ASPOSE, please help me with answer asap.
Thanks for your inquiry. Well, you can programmatically generate, modify, convert, render and print documents without utilizing Microsoft Word®. However, Aspose.Words does not offer UI or web control for performing these document processing tasks.
Our sister company GroupDocs.com offers a viewer app which you may consider including in your application to view the various file formats. With GroupDocs apps, you can also have limited editing functionalities. For more information, I suggest you please contact GroupDocs support through live chat or support forums of GroupDocs.
Moreover, if you just want to view pages in web browser, you can convert all pages in your Word document to images and then display them. Here is how you can convert pages to images: