Aspose.Words for Java 2.5.0 and .docx support?


Thanks for the 2.5.0 release - I downloaded it and all the .doc files we were previously having problems with (exported from Apple Pages) now work perfectly!

However, when I tried my set of .docx files, I still get:

Exception in thread “main” com.aspose.words.UnsupportedFileFormatException: docx
at com.aspose.words.Document.a(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.words.Document.(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.words.Document.(Unknown Source)
at DocConverter.main(

Does anybody know what I’m doing wrong?



I should maybe add some source code…

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    com.aspose.words.License license = new com.aspose.words.License();

    Document doc = new Document(args[0]);
    doc.acceptAllRevisions();[1] );


Thanks for your inquiry. The current version of Aspose.Words for java does not have ability to open DOCX files. There is ability to Save documents in DOCX format only.

The DOCX import module will be included in the next Aspose.Words for java release. I think it will take 2-3 months.

Best regards.


OK. I was confused because the release notes for 2.5.0 mentioned fixing several bugs for loading .docx files such as bug 4882 “‘FileCorruptedException’ occurs during opening of DOCX file”. An earlier promise from someone else suggested that .docx support would be available in the next (i.e. this) release that was supposed to have been released some months ago - so I was expecting .docx support to be available in this release.

Whilst we are very happy with Aspose.Words and will continue to use it, it does make it very frustrating and difficult for us to give good, reliable, information to our customers when we need to keep changing the date for expected .docx support.



Sorry for inconvenience. These were internal fixes ported from .NET baseline. You can try using .NET version instead java if you need DOCX import.

Best regards.


Is the same true for .RTF files?

‘Aspose.Words: Exception in thread “main” com.aspose.words.UnsupportedFileFormatException: rtf’

We are currently unable to use the .NET version of Aspose.Words.



Thanks for your inquiry. I just answered the same question in the following thread.

Ok, I hadn’t realised that the .NET and Java versions were that far out of sync.

After a bit of Googling, I have just discovered Mono that should allow us to run Aspose.Words for .NET on our Linux system instead of the Java version. I avoided the .NET version before because it was important to be able to use our Linux system, but support for .docx is also very important for us. Does our license for Aspose.Words Java also work for the .NET version, or can we transfer the license to the .NET version?




Thanks for your inquiry. Aspose.Words for .NET and Aspose.Words for Java are different products so they have different licenses. You should contact with our sales team in the Aspose.Purchas forum to resolve this issue.

Best regards.


We are happy to tell you that DOCX import is now supported by Aspose.Words for java. You can download the latest version of Aspose.Words for java from here:

Best regards.